Wednesday, March 28, 2012

It's like a bad restaurant and you don't want to go back

I love food, but I was so not hungry after watching this show. These "chefs in training" managed to make food not look appetizing. They are literally the worst cooks in America. That being said, their inability to cook and lack of knowledge of food (or anything for that matter) makes this show hilarious. All of these idiots are definitely real. No one could make this up. One contestant said, "I don't know what spinach looks like unless it comes in a bag labeled spinach."

What was even funnier was a lot of the contestants were real losers. Such as this one:

Your unemployed. How do you not know how to cook? What else do you do with your time? If  I was unemployed I would do nothing but spend my time eating.


Anne Burrell and Bobby Flay assemble two teams of what they think are the worst cooks in America. Burrell and Flay are to serve as their mentors and judges throughout the duration of the competition. Each week they have a new activity or competition where the teams compete against each other. The worst members of the team are voted off each week. Before the challenges begin Burrell and Flay give them tips and advice on how to succeed in a particular challenge. Whoever makes the most progress as a cook, wins.

I only watched the second episode of the season, but if the contestants don't stop using vanilla extract with chicken or putting apples on everything there is a huge possibility there will be no winner.

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